Save and Earn Crypto using Enno Wallet
We are all users of different blockchain wallets because we think this is the best way to save our funds and avoid getting hacked. We may have a Trust wallet owned by Binance, and sometimes we used different markets as our cryptocurrencies wallet. Maybe the reason is, when we are holding some coins and went up, we can directly sell the coins within the marketplace and sometimes it is because of staking. But what if I tell you, there is one wallet that is capable of doing what cryptocurrency exchanges can do? Yeah! You read it right!
Introducing ENNO WALLET
Enno Wallet is a secure wallet and also a Gateway to Decentralized Finance. You can swap, earn, manage, store and trade digital assets using Enno Wallet, of course, we look forward to those wallets that are safe to use, Enno Wallet is making sure that the security is strong, not easy for those hackers to steal your funds inside the wallet. We also have the responsibility of securing our wallets, by avoiding clicking links and being careful about phishing sites. Enno Wallet is also easy to use, has spectacular UI, and has different features that will discuss later.
“Not your key, Not your wallet”
Since Enno Wallet is a non-custodial wallet, you will have your private key to access your funds and wallet. You will have your 15-word phrase for your wallet, never give that to anyone except you. After generating your 15-word phrase, Enno Wallet will add a layer for your protection, and they use Bank-grade encryption after you set a passcode!
You can keep your digital assets while you are using Enno wallet features securely, you have control of your data inside your wallet, even developers don't have access to your wallet. Enno Wallet privacy researchers found the best way to secure your wallet and lessen the attack surface!
“The Governance Token of Enno Wallet: $ENNO Cash”
$ENNO is the Governance token for Enno Wallet, meaning the token can be used inside the Enno Wallet ecosystem, it can be used as payment, and for using the application, you can earn $ENNO token based on your activity inside the wallet, doesn't mean you should have huge funds, but it is based on how you use the wallet. Since it is a Governance token, $ENNO token holders have the right to vote for future project decisions, for example, distribution.
10mln $ENNO cash max supply will be minted, and it has a percentage of allocation.
Token matrics are :
10% for Private Investors and Team
15% Token Sale
10% Development & Marketing
5% Referral, bounty and contest
10% Early Bird users
50% App Users
“Be your own Bank! Earn while you save”
Just like what I mentioned above, Staking, Trading, and swapping are available in Enno Wallet. You can stake some stable coin the is supported by the wallet. For example, if you stake 1000USDN within holding the coin for 1 year, you could earn 105.50USDN by doing nothing! What's more interesting is the APY% of staking inside the wallet, it has an average APY of 10.55 %! Each APY will be different according to the coin. Trading and Swapping is also available, you can swap and trade anywhere you go comfortably! According to their website, they are currently supporting 17 Stablecoins and not to mention cryptocurrencies!
You can try to use the APP it is available on App Store and Google Apps, just take extra protection from ENNO WALLET!
For more updates and news from Enno Wallet, you can read and visit their websites and follow their social media accounts!
You can also download the app by clicking the links below:
App Store:
Android Apps:
Posted by : Jeldzrey16
BTT profile :;u=1886308;sa=summary
USDN: Wallet Address : 3PEU6XjQp8Au8ZbDs945sjXCTAgBAZ4X2rf